Things are starting to look up a little bit. I haven't been myself in a long while but I'm just this week starting to get my groove back and feel more like how I'm used to feeling.
My birthday is Saturday...you know I haven't been myself when I haven't even mentioned my birthday yet. We're trying to get respite care for the weekend for the little ones...if that works out, Rich and I will go to my folks' house for the weekend.
The picture on the left is a sneak peek at something exciting...Details will come soon, I promise.
And I think it's safe to tell you the super exciting news. Our little baby is going to come spend some time with us this summer. His father, who was just awarded custody, recognizes how important we are to him (and he to us). He wants to honor that. At the same time, he's having a bit of a hard time and needs a little help.
The timing of when this will all happen is a bit in the air...but we're just so thrilled. Can you believe it?
Amy! That's fabulous news!!! I'm so happy for you, Rich and Baby!! Happiness!
I hope you have a wonderful birthday on Saturday! Mine's on Tuesday -- and it's a milestone one at that! -- and I'm totally being the Birthday Princess this year! LOL. :)
What a wonderful surprise (for your readers!). How nice that you have that kind of trust, respect, and appreciation with the little man's dad. I hope it's the start of a lifetime relationship. Congratulations!
that's just so heartwarming about baby coming to visit :) do you guys get a chance to see him via webcam or are you just relying on phone chats right now? nevermind, summer is just around the corner! i know he'll love being "home" with you again. it's great that you have such good relations with the dad too.
happy birthday on saturday! i'm having tea with my mommy friends that day and i can't think of a nicer way to spend your birthday :)
Happy Birthday. How exciting that the babys father understands the importance you have played in sweet babies life. You are a doll.
Happy Birthday Amy! I am so glad sweet baby boy will be able to come see you this summer! That is wonderful news. Hope you continue to feel better and have a really great birthday weekend!
Oh Amy! What wonderful birthday news!!! I'm sure your heart is very full with the thought of having Baby spend time with you this summer!
Feel better. Nurture yourself. Have a wonderful birthday.
Sending happy thoughts your way!
-Amy from Petaluma
what happy news - the best bday present!!
i love the sparkly flowery picture...hmmm what is it?!
happiest birthday wishes to you!
Sounds like it's going to be one busy house this Summer! Think about looking for a highschool girl to come help during the days for the Summer.. as a mother of 6 I can tell you that it's a big help when you have lots of little ones!
Wonderful news! And how great that Baby's daddy realizes how important you are to baby and of course, baby is to you. It sounds like a very healthy relationship on both sides! That's the perfect birthday present, isn't it?
oh that is just so so so - how can i even find a word for how special this is!!
happy birthday x
congrats sweet Amy
What truly wonderful news for you all!
I wish you all happy things, Amy!
Hmmmmnnn... something about a house. Or, Sugartown. Or maybe LOTS of Sugartown houses???
Happy Birthday and hugs to you, Miss 'born on the cusp' Piscarian(no wonder you are so creative!).I hope your day, your weekend, your year is just filled with one after another wonderful moments, my friend. Like that time with Baby....what a joy!!!
Oh how exciting for you Amy! I am so happy for you both. :0)
So wonderful to hear that you are feeling better!! And how exciting that you will be able to spend time with the little one again. Im sure this will be a blessing for ALL...:)
We are thrilled too! That will surely put some skip in your step as your birthday approaches. How wonderful that Baby's Daddy recognizes your bond... and that he can ask for help when he needs it.
Yay, Amy! That is great news (about Baby.) And I'm so sorry you haven't been feeling well. Nothing like not feeling 100% while also trying to Mother 3 little ones. That is so challenging!
Hope your Birthday is the best!!
Happy Birthday, Amy! Wonderful news about Baby. Hope you continue to feel better and happy spring hugs to you!
How positively delightful! Such wonderful news.
May you have a Happy Birthday, Happy Spring, Happy~Happy Everything!
Glad to see you are feeling better. It is hard to get back to normal with such a big change in your life.
They say it takes a village and I am glad that "babies" father can see that you are part of his village.
Happy Birthday!
How neat! We will pray for good things to happen.
Happy Birthday!
It is my oldest son's 20th birthday tomorrow too.
That is great! It will be so nice to be able to stay in baby's life. Your little project looks darling!
Happy Birthday! I've been periodically catching your blog after seeing that you were in Omaha for Silver Bella (I unfortunately was not able to attend). Your stories about your life are very touching. I am a single person that went thru foster care training & decided it was going to be a huge life change for me not to mention challenging. I felt that God shut few doors that made me feel like it wasn't the right timing. I cried about it & really wanted to give love to a child that really needed it! I don't know how you've been thru what you have but it sounds like there's a silver lining in all of this & I'm sure your little baby will always always remember you! God Bless, Angela
I am so excited for you that you have been able to keep a wonderful connection to your little guy. What a smart daddy he has to realize how important you are to them. Asking for help is the hardest sometimes! Thanks you so much for making the world a better place, one baby and his daddy at a time!
Amy, it is so wonderful that baby's father wants you and Rich to continue to be part of his life! What a blessing! Truly God's work. Such happy news!
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