I love this little chair so much! Believe it or not, it's just $89 (free shipping!) from Target. It's so darling and Miss Pink loves it too!

Here's her bed, all ready for her to hop in tonight. The polka dotted heart is a paper mache form from Michael's, painted and dotted and shellacked by me.

And I never did show you how I hung the ribbon chandelier, did I? I used a wire wreath form as the base, tying lengths of ribbon all around. I used 3 Christmas ornament hooks (you know, the real pretty curlyque ones), 3 lengths of chain and a cup hook. I think this would be a great way to make a mobile too.

These blinds are the el cheapo ones from Lowe's...they are just $6 each. I added some polka dot wall stickers (from Target) and ta-dah!

Here's a look in her closet. I want clothes like these. The red dress has a poodle on it and it is her favorite. She looks like a little doll in it. It's a hand-me-down from Maggie.

These are her princess shoes, her preferred footwear. As you can see, some of the magic has worn off.

This fabulous corner cabinet was a gift from my friends Ann and Linda at the Cottage. I love it so much...the Spring green in the back is perfect!

And here's the boys' room. If it looks familiar, it's pretty much the same as when Baby was here. He's everywhere in that room...his memory is seeped into every little thing.
Here are their beds. They are both just recently out of the crib so they're in the tiniest of toddler beds...so sweet.

The rails and the top portion of this bed come off but I had to hastily take the one rail down before bedtime last week. The morning before I found the little rascal out of his crib. I put him in and asked him to show me how he did it, and let's just say his new nickname is Houdini.

Here's a little detail in the corner.

And a few little delightful things on their dresser...

I'm off to finish a dozen or more things before I go pick them up and take them to the visit with their parents.
I wish I had a delightful little girls room like that when I was small. It's so magical!
Oh, your magic hands create so much beauty, joy, and peace! Lovely, lovely rooms. Havens. All of it's inspirational. A warm hug to you from thawing New England. Take good care of yourself and good luck!
whatever has happened to these little angels in the past...well you are most likely going to erase it from their memories...
you have given them an amazing gift with these beautiful, peaceful,creative nests...
their healing has already begun.
don't ever think you are not enough for them or that you can't do this...
you're probably wondering...WHO is this chick? lol xo
They are so cute! Hand-me-downs are the best. I have an escape artist in my home too. When he first came to live with us, he had only slept in a pack'n'play. It took only a few weeks to figure out how to escape the crib, thankgoodness it converted to a toddler bed.
Can I come and live at your house?? It is like a fairyland! The kids are just going to love it as they will love your and your hubby! Sending good wishes for a the new adventure.
Oh it's all just perfection. Just magical. Who wouldn't be touched in some way by spending time in those rooms?
what a joy for those precious little people to be able to grow and be loved in those rooms!
You are so blessed with the gift of nurturing - it shows through your design.
Enjoy the heck out of those kids - you'll be exhausted and frustrated at times, but that's part of the package. Peace and God's love to your new little family!
Can I move into the pink room?
What a wonderful space, Amy - don't be surprised when you find the boys in one bed instead of two, as my 8yo boys still do that at every opportunity. They are lucky, blessed children to have this opportunity with all of you!
you had me rushing over to target's website to see THAT CHAIR!!! i've been wanting a chair for my little lucy every since i saw her climb into a friends at a playdate. of course, rushing over to the website meant i saw one that is a perfect twin to my mama sized chair in her nursery and of course it's NOT on sale and doesn't have free shipping. with target, free shipping is HUGE. *sigh* i'm going to go to the grocery store and think about this pink chair because it's SO cute... i think maybe i'd put it in our kitchen right next to a big basket of books!
the rooms are darling too, by the way.
The rooms are so wonderful! And they're FULL of such great ideas too! Thank you so much for sharing.
I love your "magazine" too! I made mention of it on my blog today - I hope that was OK.
I'm glad I found your blog!
These are lucky lucky children and you are an amazing woman.
i was just wondering if you'd come decorate my room!! ; )
blessings to you today!!
So much love comes through these rooms. Just do what you can, give of your overflow. Good luck.
Such delightful rooms. I wish my daughters room could stay looking so sweet. Where do you hide the toys??
Those "princess shoes" are such a big hit with every little girl that age I think. Mine had red ones.. good thing they can be easily replaced and are often on sale at Target!
You are a true angel and your love shows!
Amy---These children are going to feel like they have entered a fairy tale world! The rooms are so lovely with so many thoughtful details. Thank you for sharing with us.
(by the way, my Baby has that same Froggy humidifier and he loves it!)
Amyco at Inspireco - How I love you so! I miss you when you go! I understand your busy tho! I love this pink room so much - I wish every day for a new house with a room that I could decorate just like this for my new baby girl. I was telling my mom about the great bookcase you made - and she said - OH that is what I will give you as a baby gift - I said Mom - it is $29.99 and 40% off at Michael's! I can't wait to get one and paint and decorate it - a book shelf and doll house all in one - what a great find!! I might even make a mobile too!
I love both of the rooms. So whimsical, colorful, and loving. I wish you every bit of strength you can muster as you help these dear little ones.
Amy dahling, you really must go into interior design 'cause, you got it goin' on!
I don't know who is more blessed, you & Rich or those children?
WONDERFUL to hear from you!
I sure wish I could sleep in one of these rooms today. I have been reading your Blog for awhile now and love everything you do. You inspire me so much. My craft, scrapbooking room is in my bassment and it feels kind of dark, but you have got me to change that... I'm so thankful for that. I'm working on it right now nd it is coming along. I sure hope I have it done soon but I want it to be right so I'm taking my time in away. Thank you so much for all the courage you give me...
Blessings to you and your husband, Amy. I know you will be a beautiful blessing in the lives of these dear little babies. Trust God and He will give you the strength to be the wonderful Mummy these little ones need.
♦♦Loopy and I love the little shoes...Loopy had a pair of red sparkly shoes 'homemade' by saucy for a costume. She loved to wear them - and we wanted to tell you - the magic NEVER wears off those shoes - no matter how old you get - even in your memory, they are magic!
xoxo the fan
What beautiful, imaginative safe havens you've created out of love for these little kiddos. They are so lucky to have you and your husband. You are so talented and creative.
ah what an enchanted fairy tale you are providing for these children
God bless you and the children real good
Your home is so characteristic of a healing home and so child-centered. Truly wonderful...wish you could be cloned in the foster care community.
Don't know if you've seen this, but it's worth the 15 minutes and the Kleenex you'll need:
you are brilliant. bless you.
I'd love to come live at your house and sleep in that pink fairytale room if only for one night. Your blog is one of my favorite stops each day...AMAZING & of course, INSPRIRING!
The rooms are so beautiful. Can I come over and play?
I always enjoy your sweet blog!!And I aDore that chair!!! I simply must have it!!!
Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Fantastic rooms, Amy! They should conjure some sweet dreams.
You flipping rock, Amy!! Those kids are s blessed to have you and Rick in their lives!
Gorgeous! As a mama of two boys, I have to say I am totally drooling over that pink room!
Magic like yours simply doesn't wear off a little pair of cutie shoes like those! It simply spreads around the world with every step Miss Pinky takes.
Those are just amazing rooms for children. Wow! Lots of love there.
Magical magical magical AMY!!!! So so sweet and happy and lovely and charming!!!!!
...and oh how fun it is to know that our art hangs on these sweet walls!!!
LOVE to you!!!
xoxo Jenny....and Aaron
Thank you for the adorable ideas! I have a baby girl after having 2 boys and I might just order that chair and save it till her first bday!
Oh my heavens! You've done such a wonderful job creating such darling sweet rooms! All the little details and special "touches" are just perfect! Thsee children will be so blessed to have you and Rich in their lives!!! XO,Jenn
what a darling little room, oh my!
These sweet rooms are like a dream come true! what lucky little ones to have such an amazing mama!!! Yo can see and feel that love was the main ingredient in these rooms. I am inspired!!!
That pink chair is AWESOME! All the pictures are wonderful...just looking at them makes me happy.
Absolutely positively delightful rooms!
I'd love to move right into the pink one!
LOVE that chair!!! I've been searching on Target and cannot find it anywhere :(
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