Before I go, I wanted to tell you about the new product just added to my Open Sky shop. I'm so excited about it!

Remember this bird? Well, I made the fabric with this fabulous crafting material.

They are called Angelina Fibers and I can't stop thinking about it, playing with it, and talking about it. I'm going to work on making a video to show you how cool it is but that will have to wait until I get back. Until then, here's a little information to get you excited too.

You can make a fabulous gossamer-like fabric and it is so easy you won't believe it. You just place a bit of the fabric on a piece of parchment paper, cover it with another piece and quickly (like 2 or 3 seconds) run your iron over it. The fibers bond with each other (and only each other!) But the most exciting part and the part that is so hard to photograph is how vibrant and sparkly these fibers are. It's like glitter fabric!

What are you going to do with it? I'm thinking it makes the most fabulous angel wings.

Click here to order some angelina fibers so you can play too!
I got a bunch of those fibers in a gift box and didn't have a clue what to do with them...they are beautiful!
I found a little something for Alfredo tonight...and a little something for you. I am really looking forward to meeting you. I am the one that is in and out of the wheelchair so I am easy to spot and I will, of course, recognize you from your pictures.
I am beyond EXCITED. Feels like Christmas is coming!
What fabulous stuff!! I need that to make angel wings.
Thank you for sharing that!!
Have fun!
Margaret B
so fun to discover new materials.
i am having a giveaway if you would like to pop over.
Sigh... Silver Bella. Oh, how I wish I could go. I will look forward to reading all about it upon your return! Have a wonderful time!
PS: Loooove the bird you made with those sparklie fibers!
So sPaRkLy!!!! I'm in love!!!
Hi there, Do you still make Birthday Girl perfume? My daughter wears this as I bought it a couple times from you for her...she smells fabulous in it. Is there a place to reorder? Thanks so much. cara You can contact me at
I think it looks wonderfully sparkly...could it really be even better in person!!! I do love some sparkle...
Sweet bird!
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