Thank you all so much for your fabulous suggestions. What I love most about them is that they help me picture this new life...what it will look like and feel like and what to expect. Stuff like that. I'm sort of picturing my life becoming a bit of a preschool. In fact, I think I will clean out the family room and make it a complete playroom. It's a bit of the calm before the storm...and I'm making all sorts of plans of how to prepare for this big change.
I have to show you photos from the hotel we stayed at in Petaluma. If you are planning a trip to the San Francisco area, you definitely need to check it out.
Metro Hotel
I have to show you photos from the hotel we stayed at in Petaluma. If you are planning a trip to the San Francisco area, you definitely need to check it out.
Metro Hotel

I'm almost finished painting the living room. I can't wait to show you. I'm feeling very inspired.
Those pictures are making me drool...what a homey touch for a hotel!
I am so excited for your new 'expansion' and the referral to a preschool (24/7) is a good way to look at it:)
How soon until their arrival?
As always, Blessings to you and many hugs, Sonya
I am so thrilled to hear that you are getting siblings. So often the big fear in putting children in "the system" is being split up from family. You truly have an enormous heart to welcome not one but three toddlers into your life!
Good luck and bless you!
I love the posters. I would love to find those for my own home. :) I can't wait to see pictures of your new and fresh living room. I think your idea of a playroom is great. :)
you've definitely got the nesting must be so excited - how wonderful for you
I didn't get a chance to comment yesterday....Firstly, I love how your foster children are so "not foster children". Each one's coming is like a new birth...Celebrated and planned for with tremendous care and love.
Secondly, here's my piece of advice- You needn't lug diapers and pullups for three around the store in your cart and then load and unload them from the car while simultaniously managing three sweet has great prices and free shipping. Some nice person will deliver them to your door...I love it!
oh my gosh I am so excited for you on SO many levels!! The kids, the painting, the inspiration.. it is abundant and infectious! My prayers for you both and the new little ones... 3 is the magic number, yes it is, it's the magic number!!
I'm so glad you stayed at the METRO! That is where we have all of our guests stay. I figure, why stay at the Sheraton when you can stay somewhere charming and unique?!
I was very curious about your news because I know a couple who just ADOPTED four siblings at the same time, all under the age of 10! They had no children of their own and when the opportunity was presented they took a gigantic leap of faith and said "yes"! Bless you for what you are doing for these babies!!!!
Very exciting news! I recommend Ellyn Satter's work on feeding children. I think it's especially pertinent for foster children. You can find her online, or at the bookstore. Toddlers are the best!I also highly recommend parent nursery schools. Stef
I think it is so wonderful what you are doing to help are an inspiration to all! You will make an amazing difference in those children's lives...I just know it!
I'm so excited for you!
Such sweet memories and what a big heart you have. Your entries made me cry. Not tears of sadenss but rather tears of happiness, knowing that someone else realizes that children aren't a burden or a curse but something to be treasured. They don't take from us but add to us.
Best of luck.
Hi...You don't know me...I've enjoyed your blog in the past, and thought I'd stop by today...So much exciting stuff happening in your life...You and your husband are angels on earth, along with those little angels you take care of...Best wishes to you with the three little siblings...Take care, Katie
i haven't dropped by for a visit to your blog in a while. your memories of baby and retelling of your visit w/him are so sweet and full of love. i was in foster care for the first six months of my life, and have yet to meet my foster parents. thru your writing i am able to imagine how much i was loved and wanted even if for a short while. so thank you very much, and best of luck w/your little ones to come!! :)
wow! it's been sometime since I've visited your blog and I've just spent the past 20 minutes getting all caught up!
I'll will definitely keep you in my prayers as you get ready for this new adventure. How exciting/scary/crazy/wonderful it is going to be!
may I offer a few things?
1. love them. QUICK and they deliver the goods in a HUGE box that the boys will LOVE to play with, seriously, you'll need no other toys! ha
2. As a mom of twins, get ready for the unexpected. they often work together and are quite sneaky! (my twins are almost 2!)
3. employ the 3yr old to help. it will make her feel loved, needed and important!
what a blessing to share your home and your heart and your life with these precious souls!
I haven't been able to leave a comment for days (but I have been trying)..hmm I must be doing something wrong..but I know you are in for the best time of your life and you will handle it beautifully. You have so many friends - I'm simply amazed at all the good advice you have been given. Best of luck to all of you! xoxoxo the fan
Finally!! It worked - and after all those carefully composed letters I wrote - but the sentiment was always the same - You will make a wonderful home for these fortunate Little People. Love and congratulations - xoxox the fan
Such wonderful news. I know you will provide a happy, loving home for these little ones. Pam
Just discovered your blog...will definitely be reading it all! We have four children, daughter age 6, daughter age 5 (with Spina Bifida) and twin three year old boys. We are also in the process of adopting another child with special needs. More people need a heart like yours- willing to take on kids who might have "issues" whether emotional, mental, or physical. God bless!
Kudos to you for the love you are sharing and giving to 3 little children.
I agree with all of the other advice...routines, proper sleep, nutritious meals and snacks and lots of play opportunies and fresh air.
I also suggest finding a play group with 4 and 5 year olds that can model great behavior for your little know...sharing and 'please' and 'thank yous'.
Also, if they have emotional issue (actually..what 2 year olds don't have emotional issues?lol!) I would suggest acquiring a little library of books on feelings and giving them lots and lots of language to describe what emotions they are feeling or dealing with. Some of my favorites are Jamie Lee Curtis' "Today I feel Silly" and "Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day."
Language acquisition is so important for little ones.
You will do just great! Can't wait to see your new "playroom" and kitchen!!
Oh, I used to wonder how could someone be a foster parent, and now I realize the question is how could you NOT do it? Especially you and Rich. I tried to write a response to your previous posts and was just literally speechless at how love can just make your heart ache, but you wouldn't miss it for anything.
Best of luck with your new three! Cleaning out the family room is a great idea. Having one completely "safe" area where you can at least leave them long enough for a quick trip to the bathroom. (Door open, so you can hear...I still never close it all the way, eleven years later!) You are gonna be so happy, so exhausted and just make the best memories ever!
Those are such charming posters, Amy. What a fun collection and charming hotel!
the hotel looks AbFab! and, you are abfab as well! I'm convinced that you (and Rich) will succeed at anything you put your hand to...and love those little children! How fortunate they are!
Love, Cheryl
Look at those amazing colours! Gosh I love it, and you could always change the curtains or the fabric covers if you got tired of the colour combination. I love the pictures too, another thing to look out for in thrift shops and car boot sales!
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