This morning as we set out for our walk, the gentle breeze showered pink confetti on us from the cherry blossoms. What a delight!
I took my camera, hoping to give you a hint of how wonderful this new walk is. I realized, as I snapped these silent frames, that the part you are missing...the caress of the breeze, the songs of the birds, the energy of spring...would leave these photos a bit flat and uninteresting.

Here's a photo at the opening of our new path taken...it's like an invitation into a secret world. If you'd asked me before if there was such a path, straight instead of right over the footbridge, I'd sworn no. As I start out this path, I like to pretend that it's only visible to me and Baby. It's easy to imagine since nobody else ever seems to take it.

Here's my favorite tree. I can't wait to see her draped in green! When? When? Spring, you are such a temptress!

I love seeing the turtles all lined up on this log. Yesterday, I counted 14! 15, if you count the one who slipped into the water just as we approached.

Well I love the pink confetti and your beautiful excursion photos along your secret path. A bright spot in my day--it's snowing here! Eek!
Teresa McFayden
I love the pictures and even if you don't transmit sounds I have birds chirping right here. The turtles were awesome to see! Thanks! Theresa
That looks like a delightful path to walk about. Thanks for sharing the lovely pictures with us. :-)
I just love your enchanted path; and those turtles just made me smile!
Julie B.
How lucky you are to have this path to enjoy...I can almost here the spring sounds.
We had a home in Gaithersburg, MD many years ago and I remember our lawn literally being covered in pink blossoms from the two huge cherry trees in the front. It was like walking under pink snow. Just lovely.
What a beautiful place to take a walk, stunning cherry blossom (not uninteresting at all). I'd love a path to a secret world.
I love your pictures of the wetland areas. As much as I love pink confetti and the more normal sights of spring, what I truly love is a swamp! Because where there is a swampy area there are turtles! What a great shot of the short stack. Water turtles are usually the first to emerge from hibernation. Then come the box turtles. Yea!
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