He has his own cabinet full of toys and things he's collecting there. He likes to go all the way in there and hoot and shout. I think he likes how his voice sounds in there. When I turned around to see just his fat feet and legs sticking out, I had to snap a quickie for you.
That's cute photo:) I love the idea of taking photos of spontaneous moments so that twenty years down the road he can enjoy seeing his little and big advenrures.
I also find it helps to diffuse anger when you find your son in your makeup with lipstick, powder and mascara on his face and all over the furniture (and has to be tossed!).
So cute. Reminds me of when my son was two. I have a big drawer in the kitchen with all our tupperware. He had pulled it open, emptied the drawer and climbed on it to sit down. Toddlers do the funniest things.
Oh my goodness! Precious, precious, PRECIOUS!!! Thanks so much for sharing!
so adorable, love the little toes!
I love those little toes and the sweet diapered bottom! I have been going through photos of Adam, getting ready for graduation, his 18th birthday is Tuesday...where did the time go?
That is the cutest picture ever!!! :-)
What a lovely photo!
Kind regards
Beertje Zonn
O my word! This photo is so adorable. What a little blessing!
Ah, that is so cute! Great shot!
absolutely adorable! Oh the joys of first experiences!
Oh my! Total cuteness!!!!
How cute! these moments make the day :)
That photo is totally adorable! What a special moment, those feet are SO cute!
My little fairy grandbaby has a cabinet in my kitchen that is designated just for her. Babies certainly do love to "help" in the kitchen, don't they?
Your little guy looks like a great help. What a sweet bundle he is.
What an adorable picture! I love that you have given him his own cabinet for his little treasures and adventures, what a brilliant idea!
I just LOVE it! Don't you love how these babies' feet are positively RECTANGULAR? My "Baby" has the same sort of cute feet. :)
How adorable!! I miss that age!! Hugs,Angelina
This picture is so funny. Look at those little toes...
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