Thursday, December 22, 2005

mad money!

This is just about the craziest gift ever. It is a book of dollar bills that can be torn out just like you would a page from a pad of paper. It doesn't hurt the dollars one bit.

I made this one for my mother who will just adore the idea of having such a stash of cash.

This is 100 one dollar bills all stacked up and hot glued on one of the skinny edges. It's best with fresh new bills but my bank teller would have none of that.

The book-making instructions are just a bit complicated, but if you are interested let me know and I'll send them to you.

I will probably decorate the cover of the money book. If I do, I'll shoot a picture to share. This is a perfect gift...much better than a gift certificate or just plain cash. :)


Anonymous said...

Waaaay cute! What a great idea. Is there a way to 'hook' or 'latch' it closed if you throw it in your purse, for example?

Anonymous said...

oh how much fun is that?! I'd love to know how you bound the bills. :) My daughter would love this!

Anonymous said...

Neat! Can you send me the instructions as well? Thanks so much...I'm sure your Mom's going to get a kick out of it. Sharon

Anonymous said...

Oh, this is a wonderful project/gift idea!! I would really love to have the instructions if you're sharing!!

Unknown said...

Love this!
Would you send me instructions for this?
Great idea for those "hard to shop for"!

Anonymous said...

This is really cute!!! I would love to have the instructions! TFS

Anonymous said...

Would love the instructions too!!

amy said...

Shoot me an email if you'd like the instructions.


Anonymous said...

tooooo cute, please send me the instructions. Jean

Anonymous said...

i would love to have the instructions for your super kewl idea!!!! Your mom is going to LOVE it! My grandma's birthday is coming up and this is a perfect way to send her moolah! you rawk!!!'
e-mail me at :

thanks so very much!

Anonymous said...

Me too please...this is great.

Anonymous said...

This is WAYYYYYY cool! Me and hot glue go way back! I'd love the instructions, complicated or not! :)

janna said...

What a cute and creative gift!

Sarah said...

This is so clever! My goodness! It's sooo cool!

Trish said...

This is such an excellent idea! Could you please send me the instructions? These little books will be great for graduations. Thanks!

Heather said...

I LOVE this idea! I will do this the next time I need a creative way to give money/GC! Lovely idea! I'd love the instructions Please!!!!

Anonymous said...

What a clever idea. I too would like the instuctions.
Thanks much!

Anonymous said...

Very cute...instructions for me too

Anonymous said...

Please please PLEAES send me the insturctions on how to create this!!!! I love your site!

Anonymous said...

Talk about a day late and a dollar short...I was just checking out your site and say the "mad money". Please send me the instructions. I love your ideas and gift suggestions. Please send to Thank You, Becki

Kate W. said...

Please send me instructions! Love it!

Anonymous said...

Hello! Can you please send me instructions to your MAD MONEY book! I Love it! I Love your blog too, fun stuff!

Anonymous said...

Is there still a way to get instructions for the dollar bill booklet? My daughters birthday is coming up and I know she would just love this. Wonderful blog, glad to have found you!


Anonymous said...

Is there still a way to get instructions for the dollar bill booklet? My daughters birthday is coming up and I know she would just love this. Wonderful blog, glad to have found you!


Anonymous said...

This is a great idea. Please send me the instructions.

Anonymous said...

I would love to have the instuctions too. So many of us want them I will also watch for a post also. Thx, Becky H.

Unknown said...

Please send the instructions for this. My boss used to order them on-line but they can't be found anymore. I don't see how it doesn't rip the bills! Thanks--real cute site

Anonymous said...

omg this is the best thing i have ever seen i would so want to try this u must give me the info on how to make it thanxs.

see yah,
Ryan C

Heidi said...

Great idea! Please send me the instructions.

Thank you,

appu said...

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